Abs (Abdominal) Exercises and workouts
Today I will guide you through a great exercises to train your Abs (Abdominal) muscle. I will show you 3 good different exercises to work on your abs with my experience as a bodybuilder.
Lets start..
1) Cross-Body crunch
Starting position: Lie flat on the ground and bend your knees to about 60 degrees. Keep your hands behind your head and your legs on the floor (flatly).
Now bring your right or left elbow (depend on the site your doing this exercise) and shoulder acorss your body and try to reach touch the knee with your elbow. Focus moving your so shoulder to the knee too and not only your elbow.
Go back to the starting position. Repeat with the right / left elbow.
2) Weighted Crunches
Starting position: Lie flat on the ground and bend your knees to about 90 degrees. Keep your legs on the floor (flatly). Hold the weight near your chest, or above your torso(extended).
Now roll your shoulders off the floor and get your upper body up without using the legs or moving the lower back off the floor. After your at the top of the movement, hold for a moment at the position and slowly lower yourself back to the starting position.
3) Hanging Leg Raise
Starting position: Hang from a chin up bar while your legs straight down and the pelvis rolled slightly backwards.
Raise your legs to make 90 degress with the torso and the legs. Hold the contraction for a moment and slowly move back to the starting position.
Have a great workout with this awesome exercises to work effectively on your abs and get six pack if your persist doing this excercises for a period of time.Don't forget to eat some protein food after your workout for your muscles to grow up and recover.
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